Tuesday, March 17, 2015


there's a little boy named bob in one of my after school classes that i mentioned in a previous post. he is a constant source of joy in an overwhelming sea of korean children who want to hang on me instead of learning english (which i wouldn't mind, except that i'm being paid to teach english).

upon meeting, he informed me that he was a first grader and his name is bob. pronounced "bawb," not "bahb." i sound like i'm underwater or in slow-mo everytime i talk to him. "bawwwwwwwb."

the first day of after school, as i was leaving, he ran and gave me a hug.

thursday, he told me i was his american sister, and he was my korean brother.

and monday, while the children were doing an alphabet hunt packet, he told me he was finished. so we started at z and started counting all his letters. i found several instances where he had written in his own letters and circled them when he couldn't find them all. he grinned sheepishly every time i pointed to one and looked at him. we made it to 't'.

he makes me look forward to school, again.

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